About Us
Garmedis a.s. is a consultancy firm specialising in complex services for the healthcare industry, including:
- public relations
- media relations
- public affairs
Our business is based on our detailed understanding of the healthcare environment and processes. Garmedis has a rich experience with the behaviour of different industry players, their goals and motivation. We understand each player's role in the Czech healthcare ecosystem, be they regulators or healthcare providers, health insurance companies or medical and pharmaceutical schools, educational NGOs or professional societies of the Czech Medical Association, healthcare professional and patient association or pharmaceutical companies.
Our consulting team includes specialists with years of experience with communication aimed at both professional and lay public, legal analyses, healthcare provider management, patient rights defence and strategic planning.
Garmedis has forged close partnerships with a law firm that specialises in healthcare law, experts on healthcare economics, NGOs dedicated to healthcare education as well as leading figures in different branches of medicine.

We Are Garmedis
Garmedis offers an information service tailored to the needs of the healthcare industry. We provide regular overviews of media coverage (daily, weekly, monthly), analyses and ad hoc media research projects. We also develop detailed summaries of healthcare news focusing primarily on healthcare law (the Lower House and Senate of the Czech Parliament), executive decisions (Ministry of Healthcare and Finance Ministry), regulation (State Institute for Drug Control) and healthcare payers (general insurance company VZP, Association of Healthcare Insurers).
Our service portfolio also includes the development of content concepts and organisation of conferences, round-table debates, panel discussions and workshops where healthcare professionals debate the latest healthcare topics.
- we create press materials and organise press conferences
- we deal with the media and monitor coverage by professional and general media
- we assist with employee education and motivation and organise educational seminars and workshops
- we help you prepare for media communication, co-ordinate the statements of various partners, find common solutions and develop specialised PR campaigns (corporate and product communication)
Garmedis, a. s.
Kartouzská 4/200, 150 99 Prague 5
+420 222 212 194